How to take care of hands will not get the impression of age?

To take care of the skin, the wrinkling of the skin of the hands is not looked at. However, the long-term neglect and carelessness began to appear on the hands. How to take care of hands will not get the impression of age?
1. Are you tired while doing housework? Excess water can also cause aging of the skin on the hands. So wear gloves while doing this kind of work.
2. Go to the parlor and get a manicure every now and then to keep your hands healthy. If it is not possible to go to the parlor, you can get it done at home. It will make the hands bright and soft.
3. The UV rays of the sun do not only damage the skin of the face. Can also damage the skin of the hands. So be sure to apply sunscreen on your hands when going out in the sun.
4. One way to keep your hands healthy is to apply hand cream regularly. Many of us forget this. Every night before going to sleep, apply hand cream according to the rules, it will make your hands soft.