What habits should be avoided to keep the skin good?

Skillful hand contouring can cover skin imperfections. But whether you are a makeup expert or not, a few mistakes can damage not only your makeup, but also your skin. Skin health is also related to makeup. But many people do not pay attention to that aspect. What aspects need to be noted before or after makeup?
Whether at work or out with friends, a light touch of makeup covers skin imperfections. And just as cosmetics are needed for makeup, so are brushes and blenders. Be it blush or eyeshadow, every application requires a variety of brushes. But, does the brush or blender clean at all? Dressing up with the same tuli every day. This can lead to skin infections. So clean the cotton with soapy water one day a week and dry it in the sun. Especially those with oily skin need to be careful about this.
Allow others to use
From face powder to lipstick, kajal is often used by one by another. Many times at work or at a function at home, one cannot say no to someone else wanting to use makeup. But this is also not good for the skin. Especially, sharing powder, cotton, lipstick, kajal. If someone has a skin problem, it can spread through that makeup brush, blender, kajal pencil, lipstick.
Just as the right makeup can be eye-catching, too much makeup can ruin an outfit. Improper use of excess foundation or blush can make the look dull. If the makeup is not properly blended into the skin after wearing it, the look can look artificial. Apart from that, it is important to choose the right shade of foundation, blush – everything along with the skin.
Skin preparation
Do you apply foundation after washing your face? Skin preparation is also important before applying foundation. Otherwise, the blemishes will not disappear completely. If the skin is dry, apply a moisturizer first. If you want to get an eye-catching makeup, you have to cover the dark spots of the skin with concealer. Applying a primer before foundation will make the skin look smoother and more beautiful. Otherwise, no matter how much powder, eyeshadow is applied after using the foundation, the radiance will not come.
Makeup removal
Makeup will be beautiful only when the skin is healthy. Part of skin care is removing makeup before going to bed. Also, cleansing, toning and moisturizing. If you don’t remove your makeup before going to bed at night, skin rashes and acne problems may occur.