How assistant teachers are class III employees?

Please, try to sense the pulse of the assistants. How does a teacher remain a third class employee? Eligibility equivalent to BCS exam qualification is sought in Government Primary School Assistant Teacher Recruitment Examination. In this regard, assistant teachers should be given ninth grade. But there teachers are kept as third class employees with 13th grade.
With equal qualification PTI affiliated training school teachers are given 10th grade while primary school teachers are given 13th grade. Discrimination just because of the word ‘test’. What greater discrimination can there be for a teacher than this.
On the other hand, the recruitment qualification of Assistant Agriculture Officer is Agriculture Diploma and the salary is 10th grade i.e. 2nd grade. But despite having more qualifications, primary school teachers are being paid at grade 13, keeping them as third grade employees. Is an agricultural officer more important to the state than the teaching profession? If not more, why are teachers so discriminated against?
The future of a building depends on its foundation. Primary school teachers laid the foundation for the creation of doctors, engineers, businessmen and politicians. And why so stingy to give proper salary and status to these teachers.
As the saying goes ‘a horse can be forced to water; But water can’t be fed’ just like teachers are being taken to class due to administrative pressure, but are they able to give lessons with all their heart. To retain talented teachers, they need financial security. A minimum of 10 grades should be given as per the request of the teachers.