Importance of plantation in Islam

Plantation charity includes zaria. Beloved Prophet (PBUH) planted trees with his own hands, encouraged his Companions to plant trees and garden. Also did personal and social forestry.
In Hadith Sharif there is an instruction to plant fruit trees. “Whoever plants a tree, Allah Almighty will give him a reward equal to the fruit of this tree.” (Musnad Ahmad)
“When man, bird or animal eats their food, it is considered a sadaqah (charity) for him (the planter).” (Bukhari and Muslim)
Allah Rabbul Alamin says, ‘He rains rain from the sky; Then I make all kinds of plants sprout with it, then produce green leaves from it, then produce from it densely packed grains, and from the ground of the date-palm tree, I bring out the drooping vines, and create gardens of grapes, olives, and pomegranates. They are similar and contrasted with each other. Look at its fruit when it bears fruit and look at its maturity.’ (Sura-6 An’am, verse 99)
He is the one who rains water from the sky. There is drink in it for you, and plants growing from it, so that you may graze on it. He grows for you with it grain, olives, date-palms, grapes and various fruits.’ (Surah-16 Nahl, verses: 10-11
Fruits and crops are our main source of food and nutrition; which we get from plants and trees. Allah Ta’ala says, ‘Let man pay attention to his food. It is I who send down abundant rains, then I crush the earth and bring forth grain, grapes, vegetables, olives, and gardens with many trees, fruits and food for the cattle, this is for you and your animals to live on.’ : 24-32)
Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) prayed for the formation of a strong nation by ensuring food security for children and wives, ‘O my Lord! Make this land safe and give sustenance and sustenance to its inhabitants from its fruits.’ (Sura-2 Baqarah, verse: 126).
So to ensure food, nutrition and good health of all our children, it is important to plant fruit trees in the house yard, in empty spaces around. Through this we get tasty and nutritious fruits throughout the year and for a long period. Besides, we can get the necessary oxygen, fuel and construction wood, furniture and future financial security from it.
Nutritional security of children requires food diversity and food of different colors and tastes. The description of the Holy Qur’an, “Then We produce from it fruits of various colors.” (Sura-35 Fatir, verse: 27)
‘It is He who creates gardens of vines, shrubs and trees, and date-palms, various savory grains, olives and pomegranates—both alike and unlike one another. Eat that fruit when it is ripe and pay its right (Oshoor due to the poor) on the day it is plucked. And do not be wasteful, surely He does not like those who are wasteful.
Proper nutrition requires pure food. Allah Ta’ala says, “Eat of the good sustenance that I have given you.” (Sura-2 Baqarah, verse 57)
Our food security and safe food will be ensured if we produce perennial indigenous fruits and vegetables and seasonal fruits and vegetables at low cost and with little effort.